Last updated: May 4, 2024

The TaskerOnIt terms and conditions (updated February 2023) outline TaskerOnIt’s and Your obligations and responsibilities on the TaskerOnIt platform. In this update to our Terms and Conditions, TaskerOnIt has updated information related to fees.


TaskerOnIt is the product of the company DIGITSTRINGS TECH PVT LTD, India.

TaskerOnIt operates as a mobile app on iOS and Android platforms, available in India. Which allows users to connect to other users who provide services. Please read these terms and conditions, including the privacy policy, carefully before using the TaskerOnIt mobile app.

All defined terms in this Agreement have the meaning given to them in the TaskerOnIt Glossary.

Services Scope of TaskerOnIt

Core Principles

    • Provides a mobile app platform to enable Posters to post any task they need to get done by Taskers

    • Taskers may make an Offer in response to a Posted Task.

    • The poster may cancel or modify a Posted Task at any time before accepting an Offer. TaskerOnIt reserves the right to cancel all Offers on a Posted Task made prior to the modification.

    • If a Poster accepts an Offer on the TaskerOnIt Platform, a Task Contract is created between the Tasker and the Poster.

    • Tasker may withdraw their offer only if no work started (Tasker has not requested for start and Poster has not confirmed the start yet) on the Task.

    • The poster may decide to cancel a task only if no work started (Tasker has not requested to start and the Poster has not confirmed the start yet) on the Task. The poster will get a refund to the same bank account they made payment from while accepting an offer.

    • The Poster and Tasker are encouraged to use TaskerOnIt’s chat screen to amend or vary the Task Contract (including the Agreed Price) or to otherwise communicate.

    • Upon creation of a Task Contract, the Poster must pay the Agreed offer Price into the Secure Payment Account.

    • Upon creation of the Task Contract, TaskerOnIt has rendered Services and the Service Fee is due and payable.

    • Once the Task Contract is created, the Tasker and Poster may vary the Task Contract on the TaskerOnIt Platform.

    • Once an offer is accepted, Tasker can start the work on the task by request start on the TaskerOnIt Platform.

    • Tasker and Poster both can submit the task progress evidence.

    • Once the Services are complete, the Tasker can request the payment along with review and feedback.

    • Once the Services are complete and Tasker requests the payment, the Poster can confirm payment release along with review and feedback.

    • Once the Poster confirms the payment release, The Tasker Funds will be released by TaskerOnIt from the Payment Account to the Tasker.

Task Search for Tasker

    • Tasker can browse all the open Tasks on TaskerOnIt based on their skills, location, budget, availability, etc.

    • TaskerOnIt may assist Taskers to find the matching task in which they may be interested.

    • Taskers can set up alerts and notifications for the new task matching their skill and interests.

TaskerOnIt’s Role and Obligations

    • TaskerOnIt provides a mobile app Platform only, enabling Users to publish and make Offers on Posted Tasks.

    • TaskerOnIt only permits individuals over 18 years of age to become Users.

    • Users must be natural persons but can specify within their account description that they represent a business entity.

    • If TaskerOnIt reasonably determines that a User’s actions (including a violation of this Agreement) are detrimental to the operation of the TaskerOnIt Platform, TaskerOnIt may refuse to permit that User to register with TaskerOnIt, create an account there, or cancel, suspend, or modify any existing account.

    • With TaskerOnIt, registering and opening an account is free. It costs nothing for a Poster to post tasks, and it costs nothing for other TaskerOnIt users to review anything on the TaskerOnIt platform, including tasks that have already been posted.

    • TaskerOnIt accepts no TaskerOnIt for any aspect of the Poster and Tasker interaction, including but not limited to the description, performance, or delivery of Services.

    • TaskerOnIt has no responsibility and makes no warranty as to the truth or accuracy of any aspect of any information provided by Users, including, but not limited to, the ability of Taskers to perform tasks or supply items, or the honesty or accuracy of any information provided by Posters or the Posters’ ability to pay for the Services requested.

    • TaskerOnIt has no obligation to any User to assist or involve itself in any dispute between Users, although may do so to improve the User experience.

    • You understand and agree that TaskerOnIt does not undertake any investigation in relation to any tasker or third-party service provider before they are admitted to the platform, including criminal checks, verification of qualification or license held, or any character or other checks of the suitability of a tasker or third-party service provider to perform any task which they may claim to be able to provide on the platform. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for conducting any appropriate background checks and obtaining references, licenses, certifications, or proof of insurance prior to engaging a tasker to perform services. You further understand and agree that you are solely responsible for making your own evaluations, decisions, and assessments about choosing a tasker. You agree to assume all risks and you agree to expressly release, indemnify and hold harmless TaskerOnIt from any and all loss, TaskerOnIt, injury, death, damage, or costs arising or in any way related to the services.

User Obligations

    • You will at all times:


        • Adhere to this Agreement (including all Policies) and all relevant laws and rules

        • Only post accurate information on the TaskerOnIt Platform;

        • Ensure that You are knowledgeable of all laws that may be relevant to Your use of the TaskerOnIt Platform as a Poster, Tasker, or otherwise.

    • You acknowledge that none of the content on the TaskerOnIt Platform, whether given by TaskerOnIt, a User, or a third party, may be utilised on other websites or for commercial gain without TaskerOnIt’s prior consent.

    • You must not use the TaskerOnIt Platform for any illegal or immoral purpose.

    • You must maintain control of Your TaskerOnIt account at all times. This includes not allowing others to use Your account or transferring or selling Your account or any of its content to another person.

    • Any content or information that you post on the TaskerOnIt Platform grants TaskerOnIt an unrestricted, worldwide, royalty-free licence to use, reproduce, modify, and adapt said content or information for the purposes of publishing said material on the TaskerOnIt Platform and as may be otherwise necessary to provide the TaskerOnIt Service, to advertise the TaskerOnIt Service generally, and as otherwise permitted by this Agreement.

    • You acknowledge that anything you submit on the TaskerOnIt Platform cannot in any way have the potential to harm TaskerOnIt or anyone else, either directly or indirectly. Harm includes, but is not limited to, TaskerOnIt’s potential or actual economic loss.

    • Any information You provide to TaskerOnIt or publish in an Offer or a Posting Task (including as part of an Offer), without affecting any provision of this Agreement, must be current and kept current and must not:


        • Be false, inaccurate or misleading, or deceptive;

        • Be fraudulent or involve the sale of counterfeit or stolen items;

        • Violate the publicity, confidentiality, or privacy rights of any third party or the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary rights or intellectual property rights of a third party.

        • Violate any applicable law, legislation, ordinance, or rule (including, but not limited to, laws governing consumer protection, unfair competition, the criminal code, anti-discrimination laws, and laws governing trade practises and fair trading).

        • Be defamatory, libellous, threatening, or harassing;

        • Be offensive or include anything that TaskerOnIt, in its full and unfettered discretion, deems to be improper or illegal, including but not limited to photographs that are offensive, inappropriate, or illegal.

        • Contain any malicious code, information, or set of instructions that could damage a system, data, or personal information—either intentionally or accidentally—or work to prevent a TaskerOnIt Platform from performing as intended. This includes, but is not limited to, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs, cancelbots, and other computer programming routines that could harm a system, data, or personal information.

    • The TaskerOnIt Platform may occasionally use location-based features. When someone is browsing the TaskerOnIt Platform, the location of Posters and Taskers may be displayed. A User should never include private information in a Posting Task or in any other public communication on the TaskerOnIt Platform, including the Poster’s complete name, street address, phone number, or email address.

    • If you are a Tasker, you must be authorised to work in the country where the Services are rendered and to perform the Services under a Task Contract. For any payment (including Tasker Funds received under a Task Contract), you are required to abide by all applicable tax and regulatory requirements.

    • You are not permitted to add fees to the Tasker Funds when providing Services to a Poster. But, through the TaskerOnIt Platform, the parties to a Task Contract may decide to modify the Agreed Pricing.

    • You must not request payments outside of the TaskerOnIt Platform from the Poster for the Services.

    • The Tasker is solely responsible for securing any compensation from the Poster if they agree to cover part of the costs associated with providing the Services (such as equipment needed to provide the Services). Taskers are advised by TaskerOnIt not to agree to incur costs before obtaining payment for those fees unless they are certain the Poster would swiftly reimburse those charges.

    • TaskerOnIt reserves the right to remove any content, Posted Task, or Offer you have submitted to the TaskerOnIt Service as well as to cancel, suspend, or terminate Your account and/or any Task Contracts if it determines, in its sole discretion, that You have violated any obligation under this clause 3 or that You have violated one or more Task Contracts.


    • The Tasker service fee (5% of the total amount) is payment to TaskerOnIt in respect of earnings made on the Platform.

    • When a Poster releases the Task Payment to the Tasker, the Tasker Service Fee will be retained by TaskerOnIt.

    • All Fees and charges payable to TaskerOnIt are non-cancellable and non-refundable, save for Your rights under any Non-Excludable Conditions.

    • TaskerOnIt reserves the right to amend the amount of the Poster Service Fee from time to time.

Payments and Refunds

    • If a Task is cancelled for any reason (by a Poster under this Agreement) prior to the commencement of the work started on the Task, then if TaskerOnIt is reasonably satisfied that the Agreed Price should be returned to the Poster then the Agreed Price will be refunded to the Poster, a Cancellation Admin Fee (0 – 2%) might be deducted from the total refund amount.

    • TaskerOnIt may take up to 14 days to return the Agreed Price (less the Cancellation Admin Fee, if applicable) to the Poster.

    • TaskerOnIt reserves the right to amend the admin fee amount from time to time.

Payment Facility

    • TaskerOnIt uses ‘Cashfree’ as a Payment Gateway Provider to operate the Secure Payment Account.

    • In so far as it is relevant to the provision of the Payment Account, the terms at are incorporated into this Agreement and will prevail over this Agreement to the extent of any inconsistency in relation to the provision of the Secure Payment Account.


    • TaskerOnIt may use Identity Verification Services.

    • You acknowledge that TaskerOnIt Identity Verification Services might not be entirely accurate because all TaskerOnIt Services rely on data submitted by Users as well as data or verification services offered by third parties.

    • You are solely responsible for confirming your identity, and TaskerOnIt disclaims all liability in connection with any use of a TaskerOnIt identity verification service.

    • TaskerOnIt Identity Verification Services may be modified at any time.

    • In order to evaluate Users, the TaskerOnIt Platform may additionally have a user-initiated feedback mechanism.


    • Using the TaskerOnIt Platform’s “Contact us” feature, you can make a complaint about any comment made there, or you can get in touch with TaskerOnIt directly via phone or email.

    • If TaskerOnIt, in its sole and absolute discretion, is worried about any feedback about You or believes that Your feedback rating is troublesome for other TaskerOnIt Users, TaskerOnIt has the right to suspend or terminate Your account at any time.


    • The TaskerOnIt Platform will make an effort to allow you to conduct transactions in an anonymous manner. Nonetheless, TaskerOnIt reserves the right to require Users to authenticate their identities in order to continue as Users in order to ensure that TaskerOnIt can decrease the occurrence of fraud and other behaviour in violation.

Modification to the Agreement

    • TaskerOnIt reserves the right to periodically change this Agreement and the Policies (as well as the TaskerOnIt websites on which they are presented). When such changes are made, TaskerOnIt will either notify Your TaskerOnIt account or notify you the following time you log in.

    • The modified terms will take effect as soon as You actively accept them (by, for instance, clicking an “I accept” button) or use the TaskerOnIt Platform in any way, including by performing any actions related to a Task Contract. In all other instances, the modified terms shall automatically go into effect 30 days after You are first made aware of them.

    • You must either terminate your account or contact TaskerOnIt, who will do so, if You do not agree with any changes to this Agreement (or any of our Policies), and stop using the TaskerOnIt Service.

Dispute Resolution

    • TaskerOnIt advises Users to attempt direct resolution of disputes (including requests for returns or refunds) with other Users. You understand and agree that TaskerOnIt may, in its sole discretion, disclose Your information to other parties involved in the dispute as it deems appropriate.

    • If a dispute arises with another User, You must cooperate with the other User and make a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute.

    • TaskerOnIt has the option to help users resolve conflicts. A dispute may be reported to TaskerOnIt by any User. You must assist TaskerOnIt with any investigation it does. Using the data provided by the Users, TaskerOnIt reserves the right to make a final judgement (acting reasonably) and instruct the Payment Provider to make payments in accordance with that judgement.

    • TaskerOnIt has the right to hold any Agreed Price that is the subject of a dispute in the Payment Account until the dispute has been resolved.

    • If You have a complaint about the TaskerOnIt Service please contact us here.

    • If TaskerOnIt gives you access to information about other Users for the purpose of resolving disputes under this clause, you acknowledge and agree that such information will be used solely for that purpose (and no other purpose), and you agree to hold TaskerOnIt accountable for any costs, losses, or liabilities associated with any claims relating to any other use of information not permitted by this Agreement.


    • Either You or TaskerOnIt may terminate your account and this Agreement at any time for any reason.

    • Termination of this Agreement does not affect any Task Contract that has been formed between TaskerOnIt Users.

    • You are not permitted to open more accounts with TaskerOnIt without first receiving TaskerOnIt’s approval (at TaskerOnIt’s sole discretion). We also reserve the right to close any other accounts you manage.

Appendix A

The TaskerOnIt Glossary provides definitions for all terminology used in this Task Contract. The TaskerOnIt Agreement directs the creation of a Task Contract. The Poster and the Tasker engage in a Task Contract on the following terms, unless otherwise agreed:

Commencement Date And Term

    • The Task Contract is created when the Poster accepts the Tasker’s Offer on a Posted Task to provide Services.


    • The Tasker will perform Services in a proper and workmanlike manner.

    • The Tasker must perform the Services at the time and location agreed upon.

    • The parties must perform their obligations in accordance with any other terms or conditions agreed upon by the parties during or subsequent to the creation of the Task Contract.

    • The parties acknowledge that the Task Contract is one of personal service where the Poster selected the Tasker to perform the Services. Therefore the Tasker must not subcontract any part of the Services to any third party without the Poster’s consent

    • The Tasker remains responsible and liable at all times to the Poster for any acts or omissions of a subcontractor as if those acts or omissions had been made by the Tasker.


    • Each party warrants that the information provided in the creation of the Task Contract is true and accurate.

    • The Tasker warrants that they have (and any subcontractor has) the right to work and provide Services and hold all relevant licenses in the jurisdiction where the Services are performed.

Payment or Cancellation

    • Upon the creation of the Task Contract, the Poster must pay the Agreed Price into the Secure Payment Account.

    • Upon the Services being completed, the Tasker will provide notice on the TaskerOnIt Platform.

    • The Poster will be asked to verify that the Services are finished. The Poster must use the TaskerOnIt Platform to release the Tasker Money from the Secure Payment Account if the Tasker fulfilled the Agreement’s requirements for the Services. Unless the Poster pauses the Tasker Funds for an Occurrence in accordance with the User’s TaskerOnIt Agreement, TaskerOnIt will automatically release Tasker Funds for Recurrent Services from the Payment Account to the Tasker.

    • The Tasker Funds shall be handled in accordance with the User’s TaskerOnIt Agreement if the parties agree to cancel the Task Contract or the Poster is unable to contact the Tasker to complete the Task Contract.

TaskerOnIt Glossary

“Agreement” means the most updated version of the agreement between TaskerOnIt and a User.

“Agreed Price” indicates the agreed-upon fee for Services (including any variations), which the Poster has made into the Payment Account. This price excludes any expenditures that the Tasker incurs while completing the Services, which the Poster has agreed to cover.

“Cancellation Admin Fee” means the Fee payable by a Poster or a Tasker for cancelling a Task Contract and will not exceed 2% of the Agreed Price.

“we” “us” and “our” means the legal entity TaskerOnIt a product of DIGITSTRINGS TECH PVT LTD.

“TaskerOnIt Platform” means the TaskerOnIt smartphone app and any other affiliated platform that may be introduced from time to time.

“TaskerOnIt Service” means the service of providing the TaskerOnIt Platform.

“Customer” means a User that uses the TaskerOnIt Platform to search for particular Services.

“Fees” means all fees payable to TaskerOnIt by Users including the Service Fee.

“Identity Verification Services” refers to the methods provided to Users to assist in verifying the identity, credentials, or talents of other Users, such as cell phone verification, payment information verification, references, social media integration, TaskerOnIt badges, and verification icons.

“Offer” means an offer made by a Tasker in response to a Posted Task to perform the Services, or an offer made by a Poster for the performance of Services by a Tasker when using Search Assist.

“Secure Payment Account” means the account operated by the Payment Provider.

“Payment Provider” means an entity appointed by TaskerOnIt that manages and operates the Payment Account including accepting payments from and making payments to Users.

“Policies” means the policies posted by TaskerOnIt on the TaskerOnIt Platform.

“Poster” means a User that uses the TaskerOnIt Platform to search for particular Services.

“Posted Task” means the Poster’s request for Services published on the Platform, and includes the deadline for completion, price, and description of the Services to be provided.

“Service Fee” means the Tasker Service Fee.

“Services” means the services to be rendered as described in the Posted Task, including any variations or amendments agreed upon before or subsequent to the creation of a Task Contract.

“Task Contract” means the separate contract which is formed between a Poster and a Tasker for Services. In the absence of, or in addition to, any terms specifically agreed, the model terms which are included in Appendix A to the Agreement apply to Task Contracts.

“Tasker” means a User who provides Services to Posters.

“Tasker Funds” means the Agreed Price less the Service Fee.

“Tasker Service Fee” means the fee payable by the Tasker to TaskerOnIt as consideration for the TaskerOnIt Services (and comprised as part of the Agreed Price) displayed to a Tasker prior to entering into each Task Contract.

“User” or “You” means the person who has signed up to use the TaskerOnIt Platform, whether as the Customer, Poster, Tasker or otherwise.

“Verification Icons” means the icons available to be displayed on a User’s profile and any such posts on the TaskerOnIt Platform to confirm details such as a User’s qualification, license, certificate, or other skill.